Emergency Procedure Manuals are produced to current Fire Department requirements and tab placements. This Manual is the backbone to all of your safety needs and building operations

Emergency Procedures Manuals
Corrigan Enterprises generally produces four (4) master manuals.These are given to:
  • fire control room
  • Building Manager
  • Security
  • Engineer
Additional manuals as required can be produced at no additional fee.

All Manuals are up to date with the Los Angeles Fire Department requirements and tab placements.

If applicable, a camera ready Floor Warden Manual and Occupant or Resident handout is also included.
Your manual is saved to disk with only your building's information.This facilitates any changes in the information required to keep your manual up to date.
An initial draft of the manual will be delivered for your review within fourteen (14) working days from the date on the contract.

Completed manuals will be delivered in seven (7) working days after all corrections have been made.